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​"All scripture is God-breathed and profitable for instruction, correction of error and discipline in doing what is right, conviction of sin, training in right living through conformity to God's Word in thought, purpose and action so the woman of God will be perfectly clothed for every good work." II Timothy 3:16​​


Women to embrace an extreme makeover through the skillful and deliberate application of Biblical truth.

         OUR VISION



​A  Authentic attraction to Jesus through spiritual disciplines.


B Biblical fitness to combat daily spiritual complacency.


​C  Care using wise biblical principles for a healthy balanced lifestyle.



​ A Attitudes, aspirations  and associations with biblical revelation.

​B   Beauty into relationships that honor God,others and self.

​C   Choices with extreme makeover realities from God's Word.

Be "living truth" of the power of God's Word; a life built on solid rock.

If we are created in the image and likeness of the God of Heaven, why do so many of us act like hell?  A biblically unchallenged life can never reveal the real you.  Spiritual deprivation is a breeding ground for negative thoughts and actions which lead to breakdowns of all kinds. 

ABC Center for Women invites Christian women and those seeking God to embrace an extreme makeover by learning how to be "living truth" of the power of God's Word to change you from the inside out.

ABC supports Bible faith over self-generated or self-help programs for change.  We encourage "believing prayer" taking precedence over any other format or formula for success.  We instruct putting your cares and concerns in God's hands so you can learn to live in peace and freedom from anxiety and fear; by trusting God in the process and for the results. 

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